Wheatgrass is widely acknowledged as one of nature’s existing super foods. When grown in organic soil wheatgrass retains 82 out of the 92 minerals that are present in soil and 1oz of wheatgrass juice is said to contain the same amount of nutrients as 2.5 lbs of green vegetables. The following wheatgrass information will inform you of the various reasons why people swear by wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass is grown from the Red Wheatberry which is a special strain that contains high concentrations of chlorophyll, amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins.
Wheatgrass must be juiced to obtain the maximum nutritional value from it. In its non-juiced form wheatgrass is non-digestible due to the high levels of cellulose and its fibrous nature. Wheatgrass juice makes all the high levels of nutrients the wheatgrass contains available for digestion. For further wheatgrass nutrient information see the wheatgrass nutrient information.
Wheatgrass kits are available which enable you to grow your own wheatgrass which can be more economical than buying it pre grown although it requires more effort to get your supply of wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass can be grown indoors if you have a window that receives sunlight daily. You will need a wheatgrass capable juicer to be able to juice wheatgrass. The most common type of juicer (centrifugal juicers) are not capable of juicing wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass should be cut when it reaches around 7 to 8 inches as this is when it reaches its nutritional peak.
The taste of wheatgrass juice may seem a little strange to some and you may prefer to make juice from a combination of wheatgrass and other fruit / vegetables. See some example Happy Juicer Wheatgrass juice recipes.
Because of the strong taste and high nutrient content many people start off drinking around an ounce of wheatgrass juice a day (with/without other juices) and then gradually increase the amount to around 4oz of wheatgrass juice a day. One handful of wheatgrass will produce approximately an ounce of juice.
Another great feature of wheatgrass is that it is gluten-free (despite having wheat in its name) and so is suitable for anyone who has a gluten intolerance.
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