Home Disaster Survival KitDisasters, both natural and man-made, can strike anywhere and anytime — the better prepared you and your family are, the better you will be able to cope with whatever situations arise. A major component of any family's disaster survival plan should be a well-stocked emergency supply kit. Joyce Harris is the Media Relations Director of the Los Angeles County Emergency Operations Center (LACEOC), which has the mission to develop, assemble and maintain information that may be needed during future emergencies. Here she lists the most important supplies for your home disaster kit:
- Choose a sturdy, portable container.
The container you choose to hold your emergency supplies should be sturdy and easy to transport, like a rolling trashcan or a backpack.
- Buy emergency supplies.
The following supplies should be in your kit: a first aid kit with a guidebook, prescription medications, an ABC fire extinguisher, a tool kit, a flashlight and radio with extra batteries, a dedicated set of warm clothing and a pair of sturdy shoes.
- Keep three days of food and water.
Store at least a three-day supply of water, one gallon per person per day. For your non-perishable food supply, try to choose foods that don't have a lot of salt in them.
- Store emergency cash.
Most people don't think about emergency cash, but it's something that you will find very important after a disaster. Also keep some change so that you can use the pay phones to call your loved ones in case you need to.
For more information about disaster readiness and home emergency kits, check out the following organizations or websites:
Los Angeles County Emergency Operations Center
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
American Red Cross
Columbia Fire & Safety: Home Emergency Kit
Earthquake Alert: Home Emergency Kit
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